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Liberty™ Utilities On-Call Engineering

Providing safe drinking water and wastewater treatment for Liberty Utilities’ customers.
Client: Liberty Utilities
Location: Missouri and Illinois

Project Manager: Jeff Ceperley

Services: Boundary / ALTA Surveying, Conceptual Design, Construction Inspections, Construction Material Testing (CMT), Construction Surveying, Drilling, Due Diligence, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Geotechnical Engineering, Permitting, Photogrammetry (drone), Site Design, Topographic Surveying, Utilities, Wastewater, Water

Project Profile:

OWN, Inc. is proud to serve Liberty Utilities with a variety of engineering projects. Liberty Utilities provides utilities to more than 782,000 customers across North America.

One of our larger projects is to address the client’s mounting concerns about the safety, effluent toxicity, air emissions, and the bioterrorism potential of chlorine gas used in their water treatment facilities. Liberty Utilities tasked OWN to begin the engineering of converting all of their water treatment facilities to sodium hypochlorite disinfection systems, in addition to other system improvements including well rehabilitation, distribution, and system upgrades.

The OWN team has also completed work authorizations with Liberty Utilities to provide ongoing engineering and system assessment services for their 24 water systems and 5 sewer systems throughout Missouri and Illinois, including:

  • Ongoing engineer services for Aurora, Marionville, and Verona
  • Water system management for multiple systems across Missouri
  • Tower improvements at their system in Cedar Hill
  • Wastewater design and permitting assistance for multiple wastewater facilities
  • Chlorination transition for water systems for Liberty Utilities’ Bolivar system including fire flow analysis and proposed elevated tower

One project recently completed is the Liberty Utilities Riverfork Ranch Water System. The project included sandblasting and painting the existing 10’x100′ water tower and converting it from a standpipe to a large ground storage tank. We added a new booster station and pumphouse to increase the existing system pressure by 25 psi for customers who have had low pressure because the standpipe was not tall enough. The tower has been repainted with a new logo and a new pump house has been built in front of the tower.

No matter how big or small the project, the OWN team is ready to take it on.