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Sidewalk Inspections for GO KC Sidewalk Program

Making sidewalks safer for everyone.
Client: City of Kansas City, MO
Location: Kansas City, MO
Services: Geographic Information Systems (GIS), LiDAR (mobile, terrestrial, drone), Municipal, Sidewalks & Trails

Project Profile:

The OWN, Inc. team was retained by the City of Kansas City, Missouri (KCMO), to perform sidewalk design inspections using a data-driven points system to inventory the condition of sidewalks across KCMO. We performed ramp and sidewalk inspections for the south one-third of the city. The Geographic Information Systems (GIS) team prepared maps of field data collected ramp and sidewalks evaluating ADA compliance.

The KCMO GO KC Sidewalk Program is designed to evaluate, repair and replace sidewalks around the City, specifically to evaluate American Disabilities Association (ADA) ramps and sidewalk segments, to comply with federal regulations, and conduct spot repairs and design inspections to ensure safety.

By the end of the project, every sidewalk panel and ramp along the City’s identified priority roads were inspected for this area. GIS provided data into condition assessment attribute fields including identification of cracks, vertical displacement, cross slope, ADA compliance, and scope of repairs needed for sidewalk and ramp panel reconstruction.