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Warrensburg High School Athletic Complex

Setting the stage for sports.
Client: Hollis + Miller Architects
Location: Warrensburg, MO
Services: Conceptual Design, Site Design, Sports & Entertainment, Stormwater, Topographic Surveying, Wastewater, Water

Project Profile:

Athletics can play a major role in any high school experience for students and fans alike. And up until recently, many of the teams at Warrensburg High School in Missouri did not compete on campus.

Working with close collaborator Hollis + Miller Architects of Kansas City, Missouri, OWN, Inc. would set out to change that.

For starters, the firm helped masterplan a new athletics complex at the high school, including a new baseball field, softball field, and tennis courts. A new track would encircle the football field. 

The primary challenge? Determining how to fit all the required elements on the district’s wish list while navigating around the regulations governing the drainageways and wetlands on the school’s campus. OWN’s creative problem-solving impacted numerous design decisions to help the school district avoid costlier alternatives.

Once the project got underway, OWN provided Engineering Survey; Civil Engineering including the conceptual site design and support during construction.       

The result? A state-of-the-art athletics complex that will play host to countless competitions for years to come.